Where is that puzzle piece?!
Ray and I are working on a puzzle. Last night, I spent about ten-fifteen minutes looking for that one specific light green butterfly wing with just a bit of one antenna that was needed for this one spot that I was obsessed with focused upon completing. I never found it. Total frustration. “I suck at puzzles,” I yelled. Today, over twelve hours later, I was on my way outside and stopped for a moment at the table. I was on the opposite side of the table and I was standing. I was taking in the whole puzzle, all of the many colors. I wasn’t even looking to work on it, yet there they were - two pieces that immediately fit in two different sections of the puzzle. It felt like someone else had placed my hands upon the table. The truth is that when I had shifted my perspective, the answer simply came.
This got me to thinking about ways I’ve witnessed clients doing the same. When they allow themselves to see from a different angle, they are able to let go of long held stories about who they are. When they start to let go of their familiar, tightly held perspective, they allow new habits to take shape and new stories to be written. It is so hard though, isn’t it? - to break out of our habitual ways of thinking and acting and reacting,.
The Release and Reveal Cleanse, or any new exercise or eating program, is one way of jumpstarting this shift in perspective. By letting our habitual food patterns go we make room for new sensations. Once our bodies recover from releasing the toxins we’ve unknowingly been hanging onto, we are free to move through life with new awareness and new taste buds. Foods that seemed horribly boring or just unfamiliar (unconsciously labeled non-comforting) start to become the missing puzzle piece to our well being. We crave broccoli, or even Swiss Chard! We no longer feel that incessant need for chocolate. We carefully cut the pepper for our stir-fry and take our time chewing the meal we prepared, with love.
I was a person who had a lot wrapped up in eating chocolate and drinking wine. I ate salads because it was good for me, but they were a should, not a choice. When I did my first cleanse, led by my friend Persephone, many years ago, I found myself shifting a bit away from the story that I needed chocolate or ice cream or wine to feel rewarded. It has been a journey. Now when I drink a glass of wine or eat a bite of chocolate, I do so very consciously, and not often.
The Fall Release and Reveal starts on Monday.
If interested, you can find out more information here.
Love, Madeline